Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why can't this United States Marine wear his Uniform at this ceremony?

Why can't this United States Marine wear his Uniform at this ceremony?
EL PASO, Texas — Garrett Miles-McCarthy wants to get his high school diploma wearing his Marine uniform. But his high school’s principal said in Tuesday’s El Paso Times that the 18-year-old private has been told he can’t wear his military uniform during the graduation ceremony. "This uniform does not fit in" said the principal.
Military - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Its about uniformity. Something a military man should understand. They want the graduating class to be UNIFORM. He would stick out in a different uniform.
2 :
Ah my favorite troll is back
3 :
It isn't because the school is anti-military. It is because it goes against the tradition of everybody wearing the same cap and robe while crossing the stage. It is the same thing as us telling our guys that they have to be in the same uniform for our graduations. Some people may see it as anti-military but the ones that do aren't looking at the big picture. Now, if that principal has a record of being anti-military then it may be a little different.
4 :
They all need to match. That's the purpose of the cap ad gown.
5 :
Okay here we go, It's High School not a military function. There is no good reason for this Person to wear a Military uniform to a High School Graduation just to receive his Diploma. Yep it's the weekend and we are off. Hope it gets more entertaining as we go along.
6 :
Good... The next thing you know; he'll want to wear it around Wal-mart.
7 :
Let's see, the cap and gown (uniformity) hides all the ridiculous clothes that graduates chose to wear if any. Anyone that graduated with a cap and gown knows what all was worn under the garb. He is proud (as he should be) of his accomplishments so far. For Jarhead and Cordelia- I guess y'all are ashamed of being in the military and wearing the uniform. What a pity!