Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fishermen needed to help complete survey?

Fishermen needed to help complete survey?
Fisherman Survey Questions Hello, my name is Joshua Anklam and I’m currently a senior at Pre-Engineering Magnet Program at Captain John L. Chapin High School in El Paso, Texas. Currently, in my Engineering Design and Development class, I’m aiming at redesigning bottom trawling methods to reduce the negative impacts seen on the marine ecosystems. The survey will aid in my assessment of bottom trawling and determine the public’s standpoint on this important issue. 1.Do you employ bottom trawling practices while fishing? a)Yes b)No 2.How often do you fish? a)Daily b)Bi-Weekly c)Weekly d)Bi-Monthly e)Monthly f) Bi-Yearly g)Yearly 3.On average about how much fish is caught annually? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4.On average about how much of the catch is by catch? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Do you believe that bottom trawling is causing ecological damage? a)Yes b)No Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
You should rive by the shore where fishing trawlers are harbored and interview some fishermen there. I don't think many fishermen would come here on YA when they're home..