Monday, April 4, 2011

Help, Am I still a student if I didn't go to school at the college I applied at?

Help, Am I still a student if I didn't go to school at the college I applied at?
So I have a problem. At the end of my senior year in high school I applied to University of Texas El Paso but decided to go to El paso Community College instead. Now I need to take some classes at UTEP but I'm so lost. I don't know how to get any of my question is HOW do I find out that info? How do I know if I am still a student. What is the person I should be looking for? Thanks.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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1 :
You need to ask a counselor or adivsor these questions. Every community college/university has an advising center. I'd call the school's main line to get in touch with the center or check on the school's website for a phone number. When you get a phone number, call and make an appointment. They will point you in the right direction. :) P.S if you're looking for advising at UTEP...I'd call the college that you're in. (ex: if you're a Art History major, check with the college of Liberal Arts)
2 :
No, if you didn't enroll there, you are not a student there. You never have been. Just applying to a school doesn't make you a student there, even if they accepted you. At this point, I don't know if you can take classes at UTEP. It depends on what you need. Most schools won't let you take regular classes unless you are a matriculating student (were admitted, accepted, and are working toward a degree there). Your old acceptance won't count. You would have to go through the admissions process all over again. Your alternative would be to take courses through their Extension or Continuing Education unit, which offers courses to adult students regardless of qualifications. At most schools, you can't get a degree that way, but you may be able to take some individual courses (either career-oriented or recreational) and even certificate programs. Call the University's general information number and tell them that you are trying to figure out how to enroll in some courses which you need. They should ask you some questions and figure out whether you need to speak to Extension or to Admissions.
3 :
Call UTEP.
4 :
You are NOT a student at UTEP if you never registered for courses or attended the college whatsoever. Therefore, you need to get in touch with the admissions office of UTEP and speak with a counselor. Ask who you can speak to if you want to take a single course or two. Let them know your intentions; especially if you do not plan on taking a program through the school. Though they do not always do this intentionally, every college assumes you plan on enrolling in a program with them at some point. Make it clear to them if you just want to take a course or two. Keep in mind, if you have financial aid at the community college, that will not be usable for any other school. It will affect your enrollment and FAFSA or your CC fin. aid office can reduce the amount or change your status at that college. Speak with both fin aid offices at both schools if you do want to use the funds you were granted. Ask for a consortium agreement if you do not want any funding to be affected. Or, you can pay via out of pocket. Good luck.