Thursday, April 14, 2011

Survey for project. Just 5 min :]?

Survey for project. Just 5 min :]?
Survey Questions For Consumer Purpose/ Intro: Hello, my name is Claire Soto. Currently I am a senior engineering student in the Project Lead The Way program at John L. Chapin High School in El Paso, Texas. For my senior project I am designing a shower shoe that is resistant to foot infection because many foot infections are contracted in public places. This survey will aid my research in consumer’s needs involving my project. 1.Have you ever used a public shower?YesNo 2.Are you planning to live in college dorms?YesNo 3.If yes to question 1 or 2, do you use shower-shoes when using a public shower?YesNo 4.Do you now have a foot infection?YesNo 5.Have you ever had a foot infection?YesNo 6.On a 1 to 10 scale, how would you rate your concern with contraction of infections from public showers (1 being not concerned and 10 being very concerned) ? ______ 7.Would you use shower-shoes?YesNo 8.What would you like to see in shower-shoe that would compel you to buy it? a.Appealing design b. Cost friendly c.Anti-bacterial d.Other (list): Thank You
Other - General Health Care - 1 Answers
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1 :
1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. 1 7. No 8. B
University of California san francisco medical sch...