Sunday, March 6, 2011

Which is better Chicago or El Paso Texas?

Which is better Chicago or El Paso Texas?
I lived in Chicago all my life and I got accepted into the best high school in Illinois but my mom wants to go back and live in El Paso, Texas where all her family lives! What should I do? Should I stay here or move to El Paso and forget my option to be in a great high school? Give me your opinions please!!!
Chicago - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
CHICAGO!!! Hands down.
2 :
You can't be serious. El Paso is a hole.
3 :
Are you kidding? Stay in Chicago! You can visit your mom in EP whenever you want.
4 :
Chicago si, El Paso no! Besides, if Governor Rick Perry gets his way Texas will be its own country soon - at least until he gets his $11M of stimulus money to finish reconstructing the governor's mansion.
5 :
El Paso! Get out of Chicago! I grew up there and moved away and went back to visit a summer ago! I can not believe how unbelievably RUDE women are in Chicago! They are snotty little b****es! Stay sweet in Texas, you can move to Chicago later. And who cares about the governor of TX, you dont pay taxes yet!
6 :
If you can stay in Chicago then do it.
7 :
That's like saying which is better an apple or an orange. El Paso is more laid back; probably less crime, warmer, more open spaces. Chicago is more culturally active; has lots more to do. When you said great high school tho, I think going to a better school is more important than any other reason at yr age. good luck
8 :
I love/live in Chicago but Danielle has a point. People, especially women, in Chicago can be somewhat ignorant. Do what's best for you but make sure it's FOR YOU. You'll be the one who has to live there/wherever you pick to live so choose wisely! High school comes and goes but being with your mom & bonding doesn't happen so often, especially when you're in high school.
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