Saturday, March 26, 2011

how much does it cost to become a certified nurses assistant in el paso tx?

how much does it cost to become a certified nurses assistant in el paso tx?
How much does it cost to become a CNA in El Paso, Texas? what I want to know is how much it cost you to take classes for it and how long it took to get certified. And also how much you started out and how much you make now. I want to get into the nursing field but don't want to find out after spending thousands of dollars on school to wind up with a career I hate. This is my way of dipping my toe in the water and testing it out before I dive right in.
Health Care - 1 Answers
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1 :
contact every local nursing home, if they accept medicare and are eligible to offer training they can NOT charge you for the training (they are reimbursed for all training cost by Medicare)........... do NOT pay one of these "for-profit" schools that advertise on TV and the Internet for this training........ this link list ALL the programs in Texas this link is for FAQs concerning CNAs in Texas
University of California san francisco medical sch...