Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Drivers ed school in el paso texas?

Drivers ed school in el paso texas?
whats a good drivers shool in the east side of el paso? how much does it cost and how long does it take?
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Here is a site for el paso: They want $280. Under 18? MY kid just turned 15, and we plan to pay for a $150.00 course online for that part that requires the class BEFORE you get the permit. in Texas, an underage driver requires behind the wheel hours. your PARENTS can give you this, as long as they fill out a form and mail $20 to the department of motor vehicles. (And they otherwise qualify...they have to have a license, insurance on the car, not have drug convictions, traffic violations, etc) They get a packet from the department of motor vehicles that has a log that they have to keep for hours behind the wheel. They must fill it out if it comes down to them proving you got the instruction. Minus all the permit and test fees, we are looking at $170.00. In San Antonio, The schools here want $350, whatnot... looks to be a little cheaper in El Paso ($260) Good luck