I spilled some pen ink in my school floor. they charged me with criminal mischief under $50. i live in el paso, texas. i already spent half a year in alternative which is a class where ur kind of isolated from all da other kids but u still get regular teaching. im 13 and i have a honor roll. ive heard grades help. but the school cop gave me a citacion and so i have to go to court in 2 weeks. what can my punishment be? 4 days ago
Law & Ethics - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't know...are you being 100% honest with yourself?
2 :
nothing maybe a fine to help with cost to clean up the mess..trust me Ive been expelled had to pay all these fines and restitution that's nothing
3 :
good grief don't think that's enough punishment............ maybe we ae not getting the whole story here as whats happened to you already seems a touch excessive IMO.
4 :
All that for spilling some ink? I think that's crazy! As for a punishment... I have no idea. Community service?
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