Monday, August 8, 2011

am i an idiot or what?

am i an idiot or what?
i left sandiego california plus all of my friends, school church, to move to a butthole part of el paso texas with a woman who works 12- 15 hours a week ( she doesnt need to i amm infdependently wealthy) and when she is off work she wants to do nothing. i sit around the house in the sweltering heat all day alone. she wont even go to church with me ( she is korean american) because her friends are at her church, they only speak korean at her congregation. i want us to go to church to spend time together but she refuses everything has to be her way. she has lived here for over 10 years and does not even know or want to discover the area, i feel she is really neglectful in the relationship, of course i pay the bills and do all the cleaning, am i an idiot?
Marriage & Divorce - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
Sounds like your partner is definitely taking you for a ride - a relationship is supposed to be a two way street, not one way (her way). If she can't give you equality in your relationship by participating in what you want to do, they why is she in a relationship?
3 :
Uhm... considering there are two sides to every story. Yes, she sounds spoiled and yes you sound less than assertive. If you want to make it work.... try not being so available. Yes, I know you want to be together, but if she gets home from work and does not want to do anything say "alright then, I'm gonna go check out the museum (or whatever)" snatch up your jacket and head out. Maybe if she has to sit around without you she'll want to participate next time. No promises, just a thought.
4 :
man get out of this relationship i think it might be to much of a culture difference to work you are being used it seems like to me. try counseling if she is not willing then make a change you are the driver of your car and are at a crossroads in your life
5 :
You are definately an idiot!
6 :
Sorry my friend...but're the King of Idiots.
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